Designing a Sustainable Office: Eco-Friendly Tips for Your Green Dream Workspace

office furniture buying guide

Implementing Sustainable Materials and Furnishings

So you’ve decided to make your office space more sustainable and eco-friendly. Congratulations on taking this important step toward a greener future for our planet! Going green in the workplace is easier than you might think. With some simple changes, a office furniture buying guide, and upgrades, you’ll be well on your way to crafting the sustainable office of your dreams.

office furniture buying guide
office furniture buying guide

In this article, we’ll explore some straightforward yet impactful ways to transform your current office into an environmentally-conscious space. From optimizing lighting and improving ventilation to choosing sustainable office supplies and renewable energy, you have so many options to consider. But don’t feel overwhelmed – we’ll break it all down into bite-sized, budget-friendly actions you can start implementing today.

Designing an eco-friendly office is a journey, not a destination. Every step you take, no matter how small, makes a difference. So roll up those sleeves and let’s get to work building your sustainable office space! The planet will thank you.

Incorporating Energy Efficient Systems and Appliances

When designing an eco-friendly office space, choosing sustainable materials and furnishings is key. Look for reclaimed, recycled and repurposed items whenever possible.

Recycled and Upcycled Furniture

Check secondhand stores, antique shops, and yard sales for used desks, chairs, cabinets and shelving. Not only is reusing furniture better for the environment, it often comes with more character. If buying new, choose pieces made from recycled materials like steel, aluminum or plastics. 

Sustainable Flooring

Opt for natural, organic flooring materials like bamboo, cork, linoleum or rubber. These renewable, biodegradable choices produce little waste and off-gas fewer chemicals. For carpet, choose a recycled product or natural fiber rug. 

Energy Efficient Lighting

Use LED bulbs, natural lighting from windows or skylights when possible. Install dimmers or timers to reduce wasted electricity.


Recycled Paper Products

Choose recycled paper towels, toilet paper, paper clips, notebooks and copy paper. Look for high post-consumer waste content and paper from sustainable forestry initiatives. 


Add greenery like succulents, snake plants or pothos which naturally filter the air and increase oxygen. They also boost mood and productivity.

Following eco-friendly principles for materials and furnishings in your office space helps reduce environmental impact and creates a healthy, sustainable work environment for all. Every small step makes a difference, so do your part and go green.

Promoting Eco-Friendly Office Practices and Green Work Culture

To optimize energy efficiency in your office, start by investing in Energy Star certified products. Things like LED lightbulbs, smart thermostats, and Energy Star rated electronics and appliances can significantly reduce energy usage. 

HVAC Systems

Upgrade to an efficient HVAC system with programmable thermostats that can automatically adjust the temperature based on the time of day. Keep the thermostat at 68-72°F in winter and 72-78°F in summer for maximum efficiency. 


When purchasing new appliances like refrigerators, copiers or water coolers, look for the Energy Star label. These use at least 15-30% less energy than standard appliances. An Energy Star rated refrigerator, for example, can save over $200 in utility costs over 5 years. 


LED or CFL bulbs are much more efficient than incandescent bulbs. Install occupancy sensors or timers in low-traffic areas like storage rooms or bathrooms so lights turn off automatically when unoccupied. Use natural lighting when possible by opening blinds and turning off unnecessary lights. 


Enable power saving modes on electronics like computers, printers, and monitors which can reduce energy usage by 60% or more during idle times. Look for Energy Star certified laptops, phones and other devices which are designed to minimize power consumption.

By implementing eco-friendly practices and choosing energy efficient equipment and systems, your sustainable office space will be well on its way to net zero energy usage and a smaller environmental footprint. Going green has never been more rewarding!

Starting a Business: Five Tips to Ensure Success

Starting a business is a challenging and exciting time. There are so many things to do, decisions to make, plans to set in motion. It can be difficult to know where to start! But one thing you’ll need for sure is some guidance. Here are five tips shared by Damon Becnel that will help ensure your success as an entrepreneur:

1) Make sure the demand exists before committing too much time or money

Start by researching the market, and doing as much research as possible. Even if you’re convinced there’s a need for your product or service, look at it from all angles before going forward. Consider things like: 

  • How many buyers are out there? To what extent is this number growing? Flat or shrinking?
  • Who exactly will be buying my products/services? What factors make them more likely to purchase again (or not)?
  • Will they pay a premium price for my offering versus competitors’? Why might someone choose me over someone else who offers something similar?
  • If I fail here, am I sure that another business in this area could succeed instead of mine because their target audience would value other features more highly than mine do?

If you have a high-risk tolerance and aren’t afraid of failing, then the demand question may not be quite as important to answer. But even if that’s your approach, it doesn’t hurt to do some research first! And besides being good practice before launching any business or product – doing this kind of market analysis is just plain smart. It can help guide decisions about pricing, where/how to advertise (if at all), what features are most likely to resonate with customers. Really, these kinds of questions should always be considered when starting out in business because they will impact how your venture performs over time.  

2) Carefully research all aspects of the industry

If you’re starting a new business, don’t just potential research customers and where to advertise or market your product/service. Learn about the existing players in this industry as well – their successes and failures, what they offer (and at what rates), how many employees work for them… these kinds of things can give you an idea if there’s room to start up something yourself. If other businesses are struggling, but yours appears profitable, ask why! Maybe it means that those companies aren’t offering value worth paying for – which is good news for someone who wants to take over that space with a better service or more competitive pricing strategies. And on top of all that: do some basic math related to costs versus revenue. If you’re investing a lot of money into your business before seeing any return, maybe it’s not the right time to start this venture after all.

Remember that none of these are hard and fast rules – sometimes new businesses can succeed despite being surrounded by competition or otherwise unfavorable conditions. But if you have other options available for starting an income-earning enterprise without taking on unnecessary risk, why wouldn’t you choose those instead? 

Don’t get me wrong; there is room for more than one successful company serving similar customers. However, I always recommend doing what makes sense financially (and logically) BEFORE moving forward with anything else!

3) Be flexible with your idea – change when necessary!

I know it’s hard to believe right now, but there are many ways that your idea can change over time. Maybe you thought one thing was really important when starting – only to find that other things end up being more valuable/profitable down the road! For example, let’s say you’re planning a business related to something specific.

You could discover people would pay for products or services related to this specific topic instead of what you originally intended (making money off affiliate ads) and focus on creating those items instead.

Maybe someone else is already doing well with products in this area; have they created an empire? In which case, why not partner with them? Or even just offer advice/marketing help to build their brand/business instead of trying to compete with them (and losing)

The point is: don’t be afraid of changing your business approach as you learn more about what’s going on in the marketplace. Be flexible and ready for all kinds of possibilities – it will make starting a lot less stressful!  

4) Create a well-thought-out plan and budget

I know it can be easy to get swept up in the excitement of starting a new business venture, but don’t go too fast. It’s important to create realistic goals and expectations – which you can only do after doing your homework about this industry first.

Are you aiming for profit right off the bat? If so, what are some possible ways that might happen? Maybe you’re willing to work on potential income streams later down the road if necessary. Maybe there are other things you could choose instead. For example, many entrepreneurs start by offering their service/product at no cost initially, keeping tabs on how much value they’re providing customers. Then once people realize they need more help/advanced features, they pay for what you offer.

You also want to think about how much money it will take to get your business up and running – and if that’s something you can afford right now. Maybe this means starting with a small team of just one person, or maybe there are other ways around getting started when all is said and done.

Remember: the time put into creating a solid plan before launching anything will often save you from making mistakes later on!   Keep these points in mind as well.  Startup costs & funding; planning; be flexible; don’t worry about the competition at first.

5) Stay focused on what’s important

Don’t get too caught up in trying to do everything at once! Starting a business – especially during the early days – requires a laser-like focus on specific tasks that will lead to your ultimate goal.

For example, set realistic expectations for yourself and others. Show gratitude when things go well, but don’t expect too much right off the bat. Some months may feel like they’re going nowhere. Only to have amazing growth later down the road as a result of starting small. And if something doesn’t work out? That’s completely fine as long as you learn from those mistakes and move forward accordingly.

In other words: stay focused on solving problems, nurturing relationships with customers/clients, providing great value consistently, and ensuring your team is happy (even if they’re working for free!)

In conclusion, the main thing to remember when starting a business is that you’re bound to make mistakes – but that’s okay! As long as you stay flexible and learn from those errors, then the sky’s the limit for what your business can accomplish down the road.

BoldLeads Reviews Methods for Enhancing Efficiency in Real Estate, Construction and Design

BoldLeads real estate constructionBusinesses in all industries should be constantly striving to develop methods for improving the efficiency of their relevant professional practices, as there is simply so much to be gained simply by focusing on drastically improving any existing inefficiencies while also identifying areas in which incremental gains can be made. According toBoldLeads, the industries that encompass real estate, construction and custom design could all benefit from an increased focus on efficiency.

Efficiency is just one of many areas of expertise for a company like BoldLeads, which has assisted real estate agents all over the country by streamlining and improving the entirety of the lead generation process by a significant margin. BoldLeads is not alone in seeking methods for enhancing the efficiency of practices associated with real estate, as one GIS analyst in Boston created a map of the city’s property values for quick and easy review and analysis.

In terms of construction and custom home design, many professionals are taking a cue from builders who are capable of providing comprehensive services that encompass everything from the initial building plans right up to the most minor interior design elements. Instead of working on coordinating the custom build with disparate contractors and sub-contractors all operating on different and often conflicting schedules, comprehensive custom building services are far more efficient in terms of the time spent on the project as well as the ease with which it is completed.

Luke Weil Reviews Steps for Building a Team of Social Entrepreneurs and Investors


luke weil investorsOne of the most interesting developments in investing and entrepreneurship that has taken place over the last few years surely has to be the rapidly increasing number of socially-conscious investors and entrepreneurs. While there has always been entrepreneurs working diligently to ensure their business endeavors also accomplished or contributed to some sort of social good, it seems that there is now an entire sector of investors and entrepreneurs whose sole focus is on generating a positive social impact while using the leverage they are able to wield through their business operations.

Luke Weil has been involved in a number of social entrepreneurial endeavors, including one in which his company is diligently working to preserve indigenous Amazonian medicines. In each one of his endeavors, Weil has found it incredibly valuable to assemble a team of like-minded individuals with the goal of ensuring the success and long-term viability of the project. This is of particular importance when one considers that the social good achieved through entrepreneurship may be viewed as unsustainable over the long term if the team is not able remain productive and on the same page throughout the entirety of the project.

In addition to these team-building principles, corporate philanthropic efforts should also be discussed and agreed upon during the course of assembling a team. This will allow team members to be fully invested in whatever model is ultimately selected, which will result in a greater likelihood of team members championing the model they adopt in the same way the Salesforce Foundation has championed the 1-1-1 model of philanthropy.

Marlon Kobacker Discusses How to Build on Current Progress in Sustainable Energy Industry

Marlon Kobacker 1836While there is good reason to feel that more progress could have been made had the warnings of the scientific community been heeded much earlier, it is nonetheless impressive to see the advancements that have been made as a result of innovative professionals like Marlon Kobacker, who have all worked so hard to develop new technologies aimed at enhancing sustainability while reducing carbon emissions. Rather than look back at the critical junctures in which even greater progress could have occurred with the appropriate action or level of investment, the only thing to do now is to continue to look forward in order to build on the progress that has already been made.

According to Kobacker, a great deal of that progress has been made as a result of the successful reduction or removal of the capital cost barrier to sustainable design implementation. While these cost barriers have been largely removed due to the increased focus on early involvement on the part of sustainability consultants, Kobacker believes that even greater progress can be made through increased educational efforts aimed at delineating the short- and long-term benefits of a focus on sustainable design right from the earliest stages of any project.

When those in charge of a project are able to recognize the short- and long-term value of the kind of sustainable design that goes beyond the minimum requirements set forth through legislation or building codes, it is far more likely that progress will be able to continue on at an exponential rate. This is especially the case if the full range of benefits can be thoroughly outlined, as there are many instances in which the economic benefits are so significant that there is no rational argument to be made against the comprehensive utilization and implementation of sustainable design.