Sebastian Hirsch’s New Book on Selling Yourself is Out!

From a great review, Mr. Gyroku taught me selling and how to deal with people and that moment in time has inspired me to write and publish my own book I call, “Sebastian Hirsch’s Selling Your Service – Your Expertise Turned Into Dollars.” I have put everything I know into this ultimate guide for guaranteed success in sales with sure belief that the book I present to you will change your life.

This book can really transform you from a watcher into a “doer”. Hugo Sebastian Hirsch gives you practical advice on what to look for when marketing yourself and your product or service as an expert. His new book is a must read for anyone looking to get into the product or service business. If you are already in business it’s still helpful, but not nearly as much.

Here are a couple other reviews.

Sebastian Hirsch One Of My Favorite Books To Change Your ThoughtsI’ll start off my “Sebastian Hirsch Thought Blog” by talking about a book that has changed the way I think.

Selling Your Service by Sebastian Hirsch Book Review
Covering topics like “Making A Game Plan” and “Staying The Course” Hirsch nails it. If you’re looking to turn your current skills into cash this might be the book for you. Selling Your Service by Sebastian Hirsch Book is available for $5.38 on Amazon.